
class glue.core.component.ExtendedComponent(data, center_comp_ids, units=None)[source]#

Bases: Component

A data component representing an extent or a region.

This component can be used when a dataset describes regions or ranges and is typically used with a RegionData object, since that object provides helper functions to display regions on viewers. For example, a RegionData object might provide properties of geographic regions, and the boundaries of these regions would be an ExtendedComponent.

Data loaders are required to know how to convert regions to a list of Shapely objects which can be used to initialize an ExtendedComponent.

A circular region can be represented as:

>>> circle = shapely.Point(x, y).buffer(rad)

A range in one dimension can be represented as:

>>> range = shapely.LineString([[x0,0],[x1,0]])

(This is a bit of an odd representation, since we are forced to specify a y coordinate for this line. We adopt a convention of y == 0.)

ExtendedComponents are NOT used directly in linking. Instead, ExtendedComponents always have corresponding ComponentIDs that represent the x (and y) coordinates over which the regions are defined. If not specified otherwise, a RegionData object will create ‘representative points’ for each region, representing a point near the center of the reigon that is guaranteed to be inside the region.

NOTE: that this implementation does not support regions in more than two dimensions. (Shapely has limited support for 3D shapes, but not more).

datalist of shapely.Geometry` objects

The data to store.

center_comp_idslist of glue.core.component_id.ComponentID objects

The ComponentIDs of the center of the extended region. These do not have to be the literal center of the region, but they must be in the x (and y) coordinates of the regions. These ComponentIDs are used in the linking framework to allow an ExtendedComponent to be linked to other components.

unitsstr, optional

Unit description.


If data is not a list of shapely.Geometry objects


If center_comp_ids is not a list of length 1 or 2


The ComponentID of the x coordinate at the center of the extended region.


The ComponentID of the y coordinate at the center of the extended region.

Attributes Summary


Whether or not the datatype is categorical.


Whether or not or not the datatype is a date/time


Whether or not or not the datatype represents an extended region


Whether or not the datatype is numeric.

Attributes Documentation
