


glue.custom_viewer(name, **kwargs)#

Create a custom interactive data viewer.

To use this, first create a new variable by calling custom_viewer. Then, register one or more viewer functions using decorators.


name (str) – The name of the new viewer

Named arguments are used to build widgets and pass data to viewer functions. See specifying widgets below.


v = custom_viewer('My custom viewer', check=False, x='att(x)')

def setup_func(axes):
  ''' Setup the plot when the viewer is created '''

def plot_data_func(axes, check, style):
    ''' Visualize a full dataset '''

def plot_subset_func(axes, check, style):
    ''' Visualize a subset '''

def update_settings_func(check):
    ''' Respond to the user changing a widget setting '''
def select(roi, x):
  ''' Filter a dataset based on an roi. Return a boolean array '''

def make_selector_func(roi):
    ''' Turn a roi into a subset state '''

Specifying Widgets

Keywords passed to custom_viewer serve two purposes: they setup information to be passed into the viewer functions, and they create widgets. The type of widget that is created depends on the keyword value:

  • keyword=False | True creates a checkbox. The check state is passed as a Boolean into the viewer functions

  • keyword=(10, 20, [15]) creates a slider. The current value of the slider is passed as a number to the viewer functions. The first two numbers specify the minimum and maximum allowed value, while the optional third number specifies the initial value.

  • keyword=['a', 'b', 'c'] creates a dropdown menu. The current selection is passed as a string to the viewer functions.

  • keyword={'a':1, 'b':2} behaves similarly to the lists above, but uses the keys as dropdown labels and values as the setting passed to viewer functions.

  • keyword='att(foo)' doesn’t create any widget, but passes in the attribute named foo to the viewer functions.

  • keyword='att' creates a dropdown to let the user select one of the attributes from the data.

Viewer Functions

Custom viewers can implement any of the following functions:

  • setup_func is called once, when the viewer is created.

  • plot_data is called to update the visualization of a full dataset.

  • plot_subset is used to visualize data subsets.

  • update_settings is called whenever a user modifies a widget setting.

  • select specifies how user-drawn regions on the viewer are used to filter data. It has access to an Roi input, and returns a Boolean array testing whether each element in a dataset is part of a subset.

  • make_selector is an alternative to select. Instead of returning

    an array, make_selector returns a SubsetState