- class glue.viewers.common.state.ViewerState(**kwargs)[source]#
A base class for all viewer states.
Attributes Summary
A collection of all layers in the viewer
The title of the viewer
Methods Summary
(name, callback[, echo_old, ...])Add a callback that gets triggered when a callback property of the class changes.
(callback)Add a global callback function, which is a callback that gets triggered when any callback properties on the class change.
()Return the current state as a dictionary of attribute/value pairs.
Remove all global and property-specific callbacks.
(name)Whether a property (identified by name) is a callback property.
Iterator to loop over all callback properties.
(name, callback)Remove a previously-added callback
(callback)Remove a global callback function.
(properties)Update this state using the values from a dictionary of attributes.
(state)Update this state using the values from another state.
Attributes Documentation
- layers#
A collection of all layers in the viewer
- title#
The title of the viewer
Methods Documentation
- add_callback(name, callback, echo_old=False, priority=0)#
Add a callback that gets triggered when a callback property of the class changes.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The instance to add the callback to.
- callbackfunc
The callback function to add
- echo_oldbool, optional
If True, the callback function will be invoked with both the old and new values of the property, as
callback(old, new)
. If False (the default), will be invoked ascallback(new)
- priorityint, optional
This can optionally be used to force a certain order of execution of callbacks (larger values indicate a higher priority).
- add_global_callback(callback)#
Add a global callback function, which is a callback that gets triggered when any callback properties on the class change.
- Parameters:
- callbackfunc
The callback function to add
- as_dict()#
Return the current state as a dictionary of attribute/value pairs.
- callback_properties()#
- clear_callbacks()#
Remove all global and property-specific callbacks.
- is_callback_property(name)#
Whether a property (identified by name) is a callback property.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the property to check
- iter_callback_properties()#
Iterator to loop over all callback properties.
- remove_callback(name, callback)#
Remove a previously-added callback
- Parameters:
- namestr
The instance to remove the callback from.
- funcfunc
The callback function to remove
- remove_global_callback(callback)#
Remove a global callback function.
- Parameters:
- callbackfunc
The callback function to remove
- update_from_dict(properties)#
Update this state using the values from a dictionary of attributes.
- Parameters:
- propertiesdict
The dictionary containing attribute/value pairs.
- update_from_state(state)#
Update this state using the values from another state.
- Parameters:
- state~glue.core.state_objects.State
The state to use the values from