Source code for glue.core.subset

import uuid
import numbers
import operator

import numpy as np

from glue.core.roi import (PolygonalROI, CategoricalROI, RangeROI, XRangeROI,
                           YRangeROI, RectangularROI, CircularROI, EllipticalROI, CircularAnnulusROI,
from glue.core.contracts import contract
from glue.core.util import split_component_view
from glue.core.registry import Registry
from glue.core.exceptions import IncompatibleAttribute
from glue.core.message import SubsetDeleteMessage, SubsetUpdateMessage
from glue.core.decorators import memoize
from glue.core.visual import VisualAttributes
from glue.config import settings
from glue.utils import (categorical_ndarray, combine_slices, floodfill, iterate_chunks,
                        polygon_line_intersections, view_shape)

__all__ = ['Subset', 'SubsetState', 'RoiSubsetStateNd', 'RoiSubsetState', 'CategoricalROISubsetState',
           'RangeSubsetState', 'MultiRangeSubsetState', 'CompositeSubsetState',
           'OrState', 'AndState', 'XorState', 'InvertState', 'MaskSubsetState', 'CategorySubsetState',
           'ElementSubsetState', 'InequalitySubsetState', 'combine_multiple',
           'CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState', 'CategoricalROISubsetState2D',
           'SliceSubsetState', 'roi_to_subset_state', 'MultiOrState']

OPSYM = { '>=', '>',
         operator.le: '<=', '<',
         operator.and_: '&', operator.or_: '|',
         operator.xor: '^', operator.eq: '==', '!='}
SYMOP = dict((v, k) for k, v in OPSYM.items())

[docs]class Subset(object): """ Base class to handle subsets of data. These objects both describe subsets of a dataset, and relay any state changes to the hub that their parent data are assigned to. This base class only directly implements the logic that relays state changes back to the hub. Subclasses implement the actual description and manipulation of data subsets Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` The dataset that this subset describes """ @contract(data='isinstance(Data)|None', color='color', alpha=float, label='string|None') def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): """Create a new subset object. Note: the preferred way for creating subsets is via :func:`~glue.core.data_collection.DataCollection.new_subset_group`. Manually-instantiated subsets will probably *not* be represented properly by the UI """ self._broadcasting = False # must be first def = data self.label = kwargs.get("label", None) # trigger disambiguation self.subset_state = SubsetState() # calls proper setter method visual_args = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in VisualAttributes.DEFAULT_ATTS} visual_args.setdefault("color", settings.SUBSET_COLORS[0]) visual_args.setdefault("alpha", 0.5) visual_args.setdefault("linewidth", 2.5) visual_args.setdefault("markersize", 7) = VisualAttributes(parent=self, **visual_args) # We assign a UUID which can then be used for example in equations # for derived components - the idea is that this doesn't change over # the life cycle of glue, so it is a more reliable way to refer to # components in strings than using labels self._uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] @property def uuid(self): return self._uuid
@property def subset_state(self): return self._subset_state
[docs] @subset_state.setter def subset_state(self, state): if isinstance(state, np.ndarray): if != state.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of mask doesn't match shape of data") cids = state = MaskSubsetState(state, cids) if not isinstance(state, SubsetState): raise TypeError("State must be a SubsetState instance or array") self._subset_state = state
@property def style(self): return self._style
[docs] @style.setter @contract(value=VisualAttributes) def style(self, value): value.parent = self self._style = value
@property def label(self): """ Convenience access to subset's label. """ return self._label
[docs] @label.setter def label(self, value): """ Set the subset's label Subset labels within a data object must be unique. The input will be auto-disambiguated if necessary """ value = Registry().register(self, value, self._label = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): """ Returns a tuple of the ComponentIDs that this subset depends upon. """ return self.subset_state.attributes
[docs] def register(self): """Register a subset to its data, and start broadcasting state changes""" self.do_broadcast(True)
[docs] @contract(returns='array[N]') def to_index_list(self): """ Convert the current subset to a list of indices. These index the elements in the (flattened) data object that belong to the subset. If x is the numpy array corresponding to some, the two following statements are equivalent:: x.flat[subset.to_index_list()] x[subset.to_mask()] Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A numpy array, giving the indices of elements in the data that belong to this subset. Raises ------ IncompatibleDataException If an index list cannot be created for the requested data set. """ return self.subset_state.to_index_list(
[docs] @contract(view='array_view', returns='array') def to_mask(self, view=None): """ Convert the current subset to a mask. Parameters ---------- view : object An optional view into the dataset (e.g. a slice) If present, the mask will pertain to the view and not the entire dataset. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A boolean numpy array, the same shape as the data, that defines whether each element belongs to the subset. """ return, view=view)
[docs] @contract(value=bool) def do_broadcast(self, value): """ Set whether state changes to the subset are relayed to a hub. It can be useful to turn off broadcasting, when modifying the subset in ways that don't impact any of the clients. Attributes ---------- value : bool Whether the subset should broadcast state changes (True/False) """ object.__setattr__(self, '_broadcasting', value)
[docs] @contract(attribute='string') def broadcast(self, attribute): """ Explicitly broadcast a SubsetUpdateMessage to the hub. Parameters ---------- attribute : str The name of the attribute (if any) that should be broadcast as updated. """ if not hasattr(self, 'data') or not hasattr(, 'hub'): return if self._broadcasting and msg = SubsetUpdateMessage(self, attribute=attribute)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Broadcast a SubsetDeleteMessage to the hub, and stop broadcasting. Also removes subset reference from parent data's subsets list. """ dobroad = self._broadcasting and is not None and \ is not None self.do_broadcast(False) if is not None and self in if dobroad: msg = SubsetDeleteMessage(self) Registry().unregister(self,
[docs] @contract(file_name='string') def write_mask(self, file_name, format="fits"): """ Write a subset mask out to file Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of file to write to format : str, optional Name of format to write to. Currently, only "fits" is supported. """ mask = np.short(self.to_mask()) if format == 'fits': from import fits try: fits.writeto(file_name, mask, overwrite=True) except TypeError: fits.writeto(file_name, mask, clobber=True) else: raise AttributeError("format not supported: %s" % format)
[docs] @contract(file_name='string') def read_mask(self, file_name): try: from import fits with as hdulist: mask = hdulist[0].data except IOError: raise IOError("Could not read %s (not a fits file?)" % file_name) ind = np.where(mask.flat)[0] state = ElementSubsetState(indices=ind) self.subset_state = state
def __del__(self): try: self.delete() except Exception: pass def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): had_attribute = hasattr(self, attribute) before = getattr(self, attribute, None) object.__setattr__(self, attribute, value) if not attribute.startswith('_') and (not had_attribute or np.any(before != value)): self.broadcast(attribute) def __getitem__(self, view): """ Retrieve the elements from a data view within the subset. Parameters ---------- view : object View of the data. See ``data.__getitem__`` for details. """ c, v = split_component_view(view) ma = self.to_mask(v) return[view][ma]
[docs] @contract(other_subset='isinstance(Subset)') def paste(self, other_subset): """ Paste subset state from other_subset onto self. """ state = other_subset.subset_state.copy() self.subset_state = state
def __str__(self): dlabel = "(no data)" if is not None: dlabel = "(data: %s)" % slabel = "Subset: (no label)" if self.label: slabel = "Subset: %s" % self.label return "%s %s" % (slabel, dlabel) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @contract(other='isinstance(Subset)', returns='isinstance(Subset)') def __or__(self, other): return _combine([self, other], operator.or_) @contract(other='isinstance(Subset)', returns='isinstance(Subset)') def __and__(self, other): return _combine([self, other], operator.and_) @contract(returns='isinstance(Subset)') def __invert__(self): return _combine([self], operator.invert) @contract(other='isinstance(Subset)', returns='isinstance(Subset)') def __xor__(self, other): return _combine([self, other], operator.xor) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Subset): return False # XXX need to add equality specification for subset states if self is other: return True return (self.subset_state == other.subset_state and ==
[docs] def state_as_mask(self): """ Convert the current :class:`~glue.core.subset.SubsetState` to a :class:`~glue.core.subset.MaskSubsetState`. """ try: m = self.to_mask() except IncompatibleAttribute: m = np.zeros(, dtype=np.bool) cids = return MaskSubsetState(m, cids)
# If __eq__ is defined, then __hash__ has to be re-defined __hash__ = object.__hash__ # Provide convenient access to Data methods/properties that make sense # here too.
[docs] def component_ids(self): return
[docs] @property def components(self): return
[docs] @property def coordinate_components(self): return
[docs] @property def derived_components(self): return
[docs] @property def main_components(self): return
[docs] @property def pixel_component_ids(self): return
[docs] @property def world_component_ids(self): return
[docs] @property def ndim(self): return
[docs] @property def shape(self): return
[docs] @property def size(self): return
[docs] @property def hub(self): return
# DEPRECATED (warnings raised in Data)
[docs] @property def primary_components(self): return
[docs] @property def visible_components(self): return
[docs]class SubsetState(object): """ The base class for all subset states. This defaults to an empty subset. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @property def attributes(self): """ The attributes that the subset state depends on. """ return tuple()
[docs] @property def subset_state(self): # convenience method, mimic interface of Subset return self
[docs] def center(self): """Return center of underlying ROI, if any.""" return # None until explicitly implemented by subclass
[docs] def move_to(self, *args): """Move any underlying ROI to the new given center.""" pass # no-op until explicitly implemented by subclass
[docs] @contract(data='isinstance(Data)') def to_index_list(self, data): return np.where(data.get_mask(self.subset_state).flat)[0]
[docs] @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): """ Compute the mask for this subset state. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` The dataset to compute the mask for. view Any object that returns a valid view for a Numpy array. """ shp = view_shape(data.shape, view) return np.broadcast_to(False, shp)
[docs] @contract(returns='isinstance(SubsetState)') def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the subset state. """ return SubsetState()
@contract(other_state='isinstance(SubsetState)', returns='isinstance(SubsetState)') def __or__(self, other_state): return OrState(self, other_state) @contract(other_state='isinstance(SubsetState)', returns='isinstance(SubsetState)') def __and__(self, other_state): return AndState(self, other_state) @contract(returns='isinstance(SubsetState)') def __invert__(self): return InvertState(self) @contract(other_state='isinstance(SubsetState)', returns='isinstance(SubsetState)') def __xor__(self, other_state): return XorState(self, other_state)
[docs]class RoiSubsetStateNd(SubsetState): """ A subset defined as the set of points in N dimensions that lie inside a region of interest (ROI). The dimensions are defined as numerical data attributes. Parameters ---------- atts : list of :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attributes that define the dimensions of the region. roi : :class:`~glue.core.roi.Roi` The region of interest. pretransform : callable, optional A function that can be optionally applied to the data before checking points against the region. """ def __init__(self, atts=[], roi=None, pretransform=None): self._atts = atts self._roi = roi self._pretransform = pretransform @property def roi(self): """ The region of interest. """ return self._roi
[docs] @roi.setter def roi(self, value): self._roi = value
@property def pretransform(self): """ An optional transformation function to apply before checking if points are in the ROI. """ return self._pretransform
[docs] @pretransform.setter def pretransform(self, value): if not callable(value) and value is not None: raise TypeError("The pretransform must be callable or None.") self._pretransform = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return tuple(self._atts)
[docs] def center(self): return
[docs] def move_to(self, *args): self._roi.move_to(*args)
[docs] @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): # TODO: make sure that pixel components don't actually take up much # memory and are just views raw_comps = [] for att in self._atts: raw_comps.append(data[att, view]) res_shape = raw_comps[0].shape if not self.roi.defined(): return np.zeros(raw_comps[0].shape, dtype=bool) if raw_comps[0].ndim == data.ndim and all([att in data.pixel_component_ids for att in self._atts]): # This is a special case - the ROI is defined in pixel space, so we # can apply it to a single slice and then broadcast it to all other # dimensions. We start off by extracting a slice which takes only # the first elements of all dimensions except the attributes in # question, for which we take all the elements. We need to preserve # the dimensionality of the array, hence the use of slice(0, 1). # Note that we can only do this if the view (if present) preserved # the dimensionality, which is why we checked that raw_comps[0].ndim == data.ndim. axis_ids = [att.axis for att in self._atts] subset = [] for i in range(data.ndim): if i in axis_ids: subset.append(slice(None)) else: subset.append(slice(0, 1)) for i in range(len(raw_comps)): raw_comps[i] = raw_comps[i][tuple(subset)] if self.pretransform: transformed_points = [] for slices in iterate_chunks(raw_comps[0].shape, n_max=1000000): comp_subsets = [] for raw_comp in raw_comps: comp_subsets.append(raw_comp[slices]) res = self.pretransform(*comp_subsets) # Do this here in case the pretransform changes the dimensionality # e.g. 3D input to a 2D projection like Projected3dROI does internally while len(transformed_points) < len(res): transformed_points.append(np.zeros(raw_comps[0].shape)) for i in range(len(res)): transformed_points[i][slices] = res[i] else: transformed_points = raw_comps if isinstance(self.roi, Projected3dROI): result = self.roi.contains3d(*transformed_points) else: result = self.roi.contains(*transformed_points) if result.shape != res_shape: result = np.broadcast_to(result, res_shape) return result
[docs]class RoiSubsetState(RoiSubsetStateNd): """ A subset defined as the set of points in two dimensions that lie inside a region of interest (ROI). The two dimensions are defined as two numerical data attributes. Parameters ---------- xatt : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attribute on the x axis. yatt : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attribute on the y axis. roi : :class:`~glue.core.roi.Roi` The region of interest. pretransform: callable, optional A function that can be optionally applied to the data before checking points against the region. """ @contract(xatt='isinstance(ComponentID)', yatt='isinstance(ComponentID)') def __init__(self, xatt=None, yatt=None, roi=None, pretransform=None): super(RoiSubsetState, self).__init__(atts=[xatt, yatt], roi=roi, pretransform=pretransform) @property def xatt(self): """ The data attribute on the x axis. """ return self._atts[0]
[docs] @xatt.setter def xatt(self, value): self._atts[0] = value
@property def yatt(self): """ The data attribute on the y axis. """ return self._atts[1]
[docs] @yatt.setter def yatt(self, value): self._atts[1] = value
[docs] def copy(self): result = RoiSubsetState() result.xatt = self.xatt result.yatt = self.yatt result.roi = self.roi result.pretransform = self.pretransform return result
[docs]class CategoricalROISubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined as the set of values for a categorical data attribute that fall inside a categorical region of interest (ROI). Parameters ---------- att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The categorical data attribute used for the subset. roi : :class:`~glue.core.roi.CategoricalROI` The categorical region of interest. """ def __init__(self, att=None, roi=None): super(CategoricalROISubsetState, self).__init__() self._att = att self._roi = roi @property def att(self): """ The categorical data attribute used for the subset. """ return self._att
[docs] @att.setter def att(self, value): self._att = value
@property def roi(self): """ The categorical region of interest. """ return self._roi
[docs] @roi.setter def roi(self, value): self._roi = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return self.att,
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): x = data[self.att, view] result = self.roi.contains(x, None) assert x.shape == result.shape return result
[docs] def copy(self): result = CategoricalROISubsetState() result.att = self.att result.roi = self.roi return result
[docs] @staticmethod def from_range(categories, att, lo, hi): roi = CategoricalROI.from_range(categories, lo, hi) subset = CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=att) return subset
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(att=context.object(rec['att']), roi=context.object(rec['roi']))
[docs]class RangeSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined as the set of values inside a range. The range is defined as being inclusive (that is, values equal to the lower or upper bounds are considered to be inside the subset). Parameters ---------- lo : `float` The lower limit of the range. hi : `float` The upper limit of the range. att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The attribute being used for the subset. """ def __init__(self, lo, hi, att=None): super(RangeSubsetState, self).__init__() self._lo = lo self._hi = hi self._att = att @property def lo(self): """ The lower limit of the range. """ return self._lo
[docs] @lo.setter def lo(self, value): self._lo = value
@property def hi(self): """ The upper limit of the range. """ return self._hi
[docs] @hi.setter def hi(self, value): self._hi = value
@property def att(self): """ The attribute being used for the subset. """ return self._att
[docs] @att.setter def att(self, value): self._att = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return (self.att,)
[docs] @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): x = data[self.att, view] result = (x >= self.lo) & (x <= self.hi) return result
[docs] def center(self): return (self.hi - self.lo) * 0.5 + self.lo
[docs] def move_to(self, new_cen): dx = new_cen - self.lo = self.lo + dx self.hi = self.hi + dx
[docs] def copy(self): return RangeSubsetState(self.lo, self.hi, self.att)
[docs]class MultiRangeSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset state defined by multiple discontinuous ranges The ranges are defined as being inclusive (that is, values equal to the lower or upper bounds are considered to be inside the subset). Parameters ---------- pairs : list A list of (lo, hi) tuples. att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The attribute being used for the subset. """ def __init__(self, pairs, att=None): super(MultiRangeSubsetState, self).__init__() self._pairs = pairs self._att = att @property def pairs(self): """ A list of (lo, hi) tuples. """ return self._pairs
[docs] @pairs.setter def pairs(self, value): self._pairs = value
@property def att(self): """ The attribute being used for the subset. """ return self._att
[docs] @att.setter def att(self, value): self._att = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return (self.att,)
[docs] @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): x = data[self.att, view] result = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool) for lo, hi in self.pairs: result |= (x >= lo) & (x <= hi) return result
[docs] def copy(self): return MultiRangeSubsetState(self.pairs, self.att)
[docs]class CategoricalROISubsetState2D(SubsetState): """ A subset defined as the set of values for two categorical data attributes that fall inside a categorical region of interest (ROI). Parameters ---------- categories : dict A dictionary containing for each label of one categorical component an iterable of labels for the other categorical component (using sets will provide the best performance) att1 : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The component ID matching the keys of the ``categories`` dictionary att2 : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The component ID matching the values of the ``categories`` dictionary """ def __init__(self, categories, att1, att2): self._categories = categories self._att1 = att1 self._att2 = att2 @property def categories(self): """ A dictionary containing for each label of one categorical component an iterable of labels for the other categorical component. """ return self._categories
[docs] @categories.setter def categories(self, value): self._categories = value
@property def att1(self): """ The component ID matching the keys of the ``categories`` dictionary. """ return self._att1
[docs] @att1.setter def att1(self, value): self._att1 = value
@property def att2(self): """ The component ID matching the values of the ``categories`` dictionary. """ return self._att2
[docs] @att2.setter def att2(self, value): self._att2 = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return (self.att1, self.att2)
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): # Extract categories and numerical values labels1 = data[self.att1, view] labels2 = data[self.att2, view] # Initialize empty mask mask = np.zeros(labels1.shape, dtype=bool) # A loop over all values here is actually reasonably efficient compared # to alternatives. Any improved implementation, even vectorized, should # ensure that it is more efficient for large numbers of categories and # values. for i in range(len(labels1)): if labels1[i] in self.categories: if labels2[i] in self.categories[labels1[i]]: mask[i] = True return mask
[docs] def copy(self): result = CategoricalROISubsetState2D(self.categories, self.att1, self.att2) return result
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(categories=self.categories,, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(categories=rec['categories'], att1=context.object(rec['att1']), att2=context.object(rec['att2']))
[docs]class CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset state defined by two attributes where one attribute is categorical and the other is numerical, and where for each category, there are multiple possible subset ranges. Parameters ---------- ranges : dict A dictionary containing for each category (key), a list of tuples giving the ranges of values for the numerical attribute. cat_att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The component ID for the categorical attribute. num_att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The component ID for the numerical attribute. """ def __init__(self, ranges, cat_att, num_att): self.ranges = ranges self.cat_att = cat_att self.num_att = num_att @property def ranges(self): """ A dictionary containing for each category (key), a list of tuples giving the ranges of values for the numerical attribute. """ return self._ranges
[docs] @ranges.setter def ranges(self, value): self._ranges = value
@property def cat_att(self): """ The component ID for the categorical attribute. """ return self._cat_att
[docs] @cat_att.setter def cat_att(self, value): self._cat_att = value
@property def num_att(self): """ The component ID for the numerical attribute. """ return self._num_att
[docs] @num_att.setter def num_att(self, value): self._num_att = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return (self.cat_att, self._num_att)
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): # Extract categories and numerical values labels = data[self.cat_att] values = data[self.num_att] if view is not None: labels = labels[view] values = values[view] # Initialize empty mask mask = np.zeros(values.shape, dtype=bool) # A loop over all values here is actually reasonably efficient compared # to alternatives. Any improved implementation, even vectorized, should # ensure that it is more efficient for large numbers of categories and # values. For example, using 10000 categories and 1000000 data points # takes 1.2 seconds on a laptop. for i in range(len(values)): if labels[i] in self.ranges: for lo, hi in self.ranges[labels[i]]: if values[i] >= lo and values[i] <= hi: mask[i] = True break return mask
[docs] def copy(self): result = CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState(self.ranges, self.cat_att, self.num_att) return result
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(ranges=self.ranges,, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(ranges=rec['ranges'], cat_att=context.object(rec['cat_att']), num_att=context.object(rec['num_att']))
[docs]class CompositeSubsetState(SubsetState): """ The base class for combinations of subset states. """ op = None def __init__(self, state1, state2=None): super(CompositeSubsetState, self).__init__() self.state1 = state1.copy() if state2: state2 = state2.copy() self.state2 = state2
[docs] def copy(self): return type(self)(self.state1, self.state2)
[docs] def center(self): cen = if cen is None and self.state2: cen = return cen
[docs] def move_to(self, *args): """Move any underlying ROI to the new given center.""" if self.state2: cen1 = cen2 = if cen2 is not None and cen1 is not None: offset = np.asarray(cen2) - np.asarray(cen1) if np.isscalar(offset): mt_args = (args[0] + offset, ) else: mt_args = tuple(map(operator.add, args, offset)) else: mt_args = args self.state2.move_to(*mt_args) self.state1.move_to(*args)
[docs] @property def attributes(self): att = self.state1.attributes if self.state2 is not None: att += self.state2.attributes return tuple(sorted(set(att)))
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): return self.op(self.state1.to_mask(data, view), self.state2.to_mask(data, view))
def __str__(self): sym = OPSYM.get(self.op, self.op) return "(%s %s %s)" % (self.state1, sym, self.state2)
[docs]class OrState(CompositeSubsetState): """ An 'or' logical combination of subset states. The two states can be accessed using the attributes ``state1`` and ``state2``. """ op = operator.or_
[docs]class AndState(CompositeSubsetState): """ An 'and' logical combination of subset states. The two states can be accessed using the attributes ``state1`` and ``state2``. """ op = operator.and_
[docs]class XorState(CompositeSubsetState): """ An 'exclusive or' logical combination of subset states. The two states can be accessed using the attributes ``state1`` and ``state2``. """ op = operator.xor
[docs]class InvertState(CompositeSubsetState): """ An inverted subset state. Values inside the original subset are now considered outside, and vice-versa. The original subset state can be accessed using the attribute ``state1``. """
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): return ~self.state1.to_mask(data, view)
def __str__(self): return "(~%s)" % self.state1
[docs]class MultiOrState(SubsetState): """ A state for many states to be combined together with an 'or' operation. This is meant to be used for cases where many subset states are meant to be combined together and provides significant performance enhancements compared to chaining individual OrStates """ def __init__(self, states): super(MultiOrState, self).__init__() if len(states) < 1: raise ValueError("states should contain at least one subset state") self.states = states
[docs] def copy(self): return type(self)(self.states)
[docs] @property def attributes(self): att = self.states[0].attributes for state in self.states[1:]: att += state.attributes return tuple(sorted(set(att)))
[docs] @memoize @contract(data='isinstance(Data)', view='array_view') def to_mask(self, data, view=None): # Copy the first mask so that we can then modify it in-place result = self.states[0].to_mask(data, view=view).copy() for state in self.states[1:]: result |= state.to_mask(data, view=view) return result
def __str__(self): return "('or' combination of {0} individual states)".format(len(self.states))
[docs]class MaskSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined by a boolean mask. Parameters ---------- mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The boolean mask to apply to the data. cids : iterable of :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The component IDs along which the mask applies. """ def __init__(self, mask, cids): self._cids = cids self._mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) @property def mask(self): """ The boolean mask to apply to the data. """ return self._mask
[docs] @mask.setter def mask(self, value): self._mask = value
@property def cids(self): """ The component IDs along which the mask applies. """ return self._cids
[docs] @cids.setter def cids(self, value): self._cids = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return self._cids
[docs] def copy(self): return MaskSubsetState(self.mask, self.cids)
[docs] def to_mask(self, data, view=None): if view is None: view = slice(None) # shortcut for data on the same pixel grid if data.pixel_component_ids == self.cids: return self.mask[view].copy() # locate each element of data in the coordinate system of the mask vals = [data[c, view].astype(int) for c in self.cids] result = self.mask[tuple(vals)] for v, n in zip(vals, data.shape): result &= ((v >= 0) & (v < n)) return result
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(cids=[ for c in self.cids], @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(context.object(rec['mask']), [context.object(c) for c in rec['cids']])
[docs]class SliceSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined by a set of array slices. Parameters ---------- reference_data : :class:`` The data in whose space the slices are defined. slices : iterable of :class:`slice` An iterable containing :class:`slice` objects to apply to the data. """ def __init__(self, reference_data, slices): self._reference_data = reference_data self._slices = slices self._pad_slices() @property def reference_data(self): """ The data in whose space the slices are defined. """ return self._reference_data
[docs] @reference_data.setter def reference_data(self, value): self._reference_data = value
@property def slices(self): """ An iterable containing :class:`slice` objects to apply to the data. """ return self._slices
[docs] @slices.setter def slices(self, value): self._slices = value
def _pad_slices(self): from import BaseCartesianData if isinstance(self.reference_data, BaseCartesianData) and len(self.slices) < self.reference_data.ndim: self.slices = self.slices + [slice(None)] * (self.reference_data.ndim - len(self.slices))
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return self._reference_data.pixel_component_ids
[docs] def copy(self): return SliceSubsetState(self.reference_data, self.slices)
[docs] def to_mask(self, data, view=None): if view is None: view = Ellipsis elif isinstance(view, slice) or np.isscalar(view): view = (view,) # Figure out the shape of the final mask given the requested view shape = view_shape(data.shape, view) if data is self.reference_data: slices = self.slices else: # Check if we can transform list of slices to match this dataset order = data.pixel_aligned_data.get(self.reference_data, None) if order is None: # We use broadcast_to for minimal memory usage return np.broadcast_to(False, shape) else: # Reorder slices slices = [self.slices[idx] for idx in order] if (isinstance(view, np.ndarray) or (isinstance(view, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(view[0], np.ndarray))): mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) mask[tuple(slices)] = True return mask[view] # The original slices assume the full array, not the array with the view # applied, so we need to now adjust the slices accordingly. if view is Ellipsis: subslices = slices else: subslices = [] for i in range(data.ndim): if i >= len(view): subslices.append(slices[i]) elif np.isscalar(view[i]): beg, end, stp = slices[i].indices(data.shape[i]) if view[i] < beg or view[i] >= end or (view[i] - beg) % stp != 0: return np.broadcast_to(False, shape) elif isinstance(view[i], slice): if view[i].step is not None and view[i].step < 0: beg, end, step = view[i].indices(data.shape[i]) v = slice(end + 1, beg + 1, -step) else: v = view[i] subslices.append(combine_slices(v, slices[i], data.shape[i])) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected view item: {0}".format(view[i])) # Create mask with final shape mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) mask[tuple(subslices)] = True return mask
[docs] def to_array(self, data, att): if data is self.reference_data: slices = self.slices else: order = data.pixel_aligned_data.get(self.reference_data, None) if order is None: raise IncompatibleAttribute() slices = [self.slices[idx] for idx in order] return data[att, tuple(slices)]
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(rec['reference_data'], context.object(rec['slices'])) def __setgluestate_callback__(self, context): self.reference_data = context.object(self.reference_data) self._pad_slices()
[docs]class CategorySubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined by the set of categorical values that are equal to a set of categories. Parameters ---------- att : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The categorical data attribute used for the subset. categories : iterable The categories that the attribute should be equal to. These should be given as the integer codes, not the categorical labels. """ def __init__(self, att, categories): super(CategorySubsetState, self).__init__() self._att = att self._categories = np.asarray(categories).ravel() @property def att(self): """ The categorical data attribute used for the subset. """ return self._att
[docs] @att.setter def att(self, value): self._att = value
@property def categories(self): """ The categories that the attribute should be equal to. These should be given as the integer codes, not the categorical labels. """ return self._categories
[docs] @categories.setter def categories(self, value): self._categories = value
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return self._att,
[docs] @memoize def to_mask(self, data, view=None): vals = data[self._att, view] if isinstance(vals, categorical_ndarray): vals = result = np.in1d(vals.ravel(), self._categories) return result.reshape(vals.shape)
[docs] def copy(self): return CategorySubsetState(self._att, self._categories.copy())
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): return cls(context.object(rec['att']), context.object(rec['vals']))
[docs]class ElementSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined by a set of indices to apply to the data. Parameters ---------- indices Any valid object that can be used to index a Numpy array. data : :class:`` The data in whose space the indices are defined. """ def __init__(self, indices=None, data=None): super(ElementSubsetState, self).__init__() self._indices = indices if data is None: self._data_uuid = None else: self._data_uuid = data.uuid @property def indices(self): """ The indices which when applied to the data give the subset. """ return self._indices
[docs] @indices.setter def indices(self, value): self._indices = value
@property def data(self): """ The UUID of the data in whose space the indices are defined. """ return self._data_uuid
[docs] @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value
[docs] @memoize def to_mask(self, data, view=None): if data.uuid == self._data_uuid or self._data_uuid is None: # XXX this is inefficient for views result = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool) if self._indices is not None: try: result.flat[self._indices] = True except IndexError: if self._data_uuid is None: raise IncompatibleAttribute() else: raise if view is not None: result = result[view] return result else: raise IncompatibleAttribute()
[docs] @property def attributes(self): return self._data.pixel_component_ids
[docs] def copy(self): state = ElementSubsetState(indices=self._indices) state._data_uuid = self._data_uuid return state
def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(, data_uuid=self._data_uuid) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): state = cls(indices=context.object(rec['indices'])) try: state._data_uuid = rec['data_uuid'] except KeyError: # BACKCOMPAT pass return state
VALID_INEQUALTIY_OPS = [,,, operator.le, operator.eq,]
[docs]class InequalitySubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset defined by a mathematical comparison of a attribute values to a reference value or attribute values. Parameters ---------- left : float or `~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` or str The value or component on the left hand side of the comparison. right : float or `~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` or str The value or component on the right hand side of the comparison. operator : operator The comparison operator (from the :mod:`operator` module). """ def __init__(self, left, right, operator): from glue.core.component_link import ComponentLink super(InequalitySubsetState, self).__init__() from import ComponentID if operator not in VALID_INEQUALTIY_OPS: raise TypeError("Invalid boolean operator: %s" % operator) if not isinstance(left, (ComponentID, numbers.Number, ComponentLink, str)): raise TypeError("Input must be ComponentID or NumberType or string: %s" % type(left)) if not isinstance(right, (ComponentID, numbers.Number, ComponentLink, str)): raise TypeError("Input must be ComponentID or NumberType or string: %s" % type(right)) self._left = left self._right = right self._operator = operator @property def left(self): """ The value or component on the left hand side of the comparison. """ return self._left
[docs] @left.setter def left(self, value): self._left = value
@property def right(self): """ The value or component on the right hand side of the comparison. """ return self._right
[docs] @right.setter def right(self, value): self._right = value
@property def operator(self): """ The comparison operator (from the :mod:`operator` module). """ return self._operator
[docs] @operator.setter def operator(self, value): self._operator = value
[docs] @memoize def to_mask(self, data, view=None): # FIXME: the default view in glue should be ... not None, because # if x is a Numpy array, x[None] has one more dimension than x. For # now we just fix this for the scope of this method. if view is None: view = Ellipsis if isinstance(self._left, (numbers.Number, str)): left = self._left else: left = data[self._left, view] if isinstance(self._right, (numbers.Number, str)): right = self._right else: right = data[self._right, view] return self._operator(left, right)
[docs] def copy(self): return InequalitySubsetState(self._left, self._right, self._operator)
def __str__(self): sym = OPSYM.get(self._operator, self._operator) return "(%s %s %s)" % (self._left, sym, self._right) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self)
class FloodFillSubsetState(MaskSubsetState): """ A subset representing a flood-fill operation, which is computed on-the-fly. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` The data on which the flood fill is computed. att : :class:`glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The attribute defining the values to use for the flood fill. start_coords : tuple The pixel coordinates of the starting point. threshold : float A value greater or equal to 1 describing the extent of the flood filling. The range of values selected by the flood fill is ``start_value * (2 -threshold)`` to ``start_value * threshold`` where ``start_value`` is the value of the data at ``start_coords``. """ # TODO: we need to recompute the mask if the numerical values of the # data changes. def __init__(self, data, att, start_coords, threshold): if len(start_coords) != data.ndim: raise ValueError("start_coords should have as many values as data " "has dimensions.") self._att = att self._data = data self._start_coords = tuple(start_coords) self._threshold = float(threshold) self._cids = self._compute_mask() @property def data(self): """ The data on which the flood fill is computed. """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value @property def att(self): """ The attribute defining the values to use for the flood fill. """ return self._att @att.setter def att(self, value): self._att = value @property def start_coords(self): """ The pixel coordinates of the starting point. """ return self._start_coords @start_coords.setter def start_coords(self, value): self._start_coords = value @property def threshold(self): """ A value greater or equal to 1 describing the extend of the flood filling. The range of values selected by the flood fill is ``start_value * (2 -threshold)`` to ``start_value * threshold`` where ``start_value`` is the value of the data at ``start_coords``. """ return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, value): self._threshold = value def _compute_mask(self): mask = floodfill([self.att], self.start_coords, self.threshold) self._mask_cache = (self._hash, mask) @property def _hash(self): return, self.att, self.start_coords, self.threshold, self.cids @property def mask(self): if self._mask_cache[0] != self._hash: self._compute_mask() return self._mask_cache[1] @property def attributes(self): return list(self._data.pixel_component_ids) + [self.att] def copy(self): return FloodFillSubsetState(, self.att, self.start_coords, self.threshold) def __gluestate__(self, context): # We don't store the data since this would cause a circular reference. # However we can recover the data from the attribute ComponentID. return dict(, start_coords=self.start_coords, threshold=self.threshold) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): att = context.object(rec['attribute']) return cls(att.parent, att, context.object(rec['start_coords']), context.object(rec['threshold'])) class RoiSubsetState3d(RoiSubsetStateNd): """ A subset defined as the set of points in three dimensions that lie inside a 3-d region of interest (ROI). The three dimensions are defined as three numerical data attributes. Parameters ---------- xatt : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attribute on the x axis. yatt : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attribute on the y axis. zatt : :class:`~glue.core.component_id.ComponentID` The data attribute on the z axis. roi : :class:`~glue.core.roi.Roi` The region of interest (which should implement ``contains3d``) pretransform: callable, optional A function that can be optionally applied to the data before checking points against the region. """ @contract(xatt='isinstance(ComponentID)', yatt='isinstance(ComponentID)', zatt='isinstance(ComponentID)') def __init__(self, xatt=None, yatt=None, zatt=None, roi=None, pretransform=None): super(RoiSubsetState3d, self).__init__(atts=[xatt, yatt, zatt], roi=roi, pretransform=pretransform) @property def xatt(self): """ The data attribute on the x axis. """ return self._atts[0] @xatt.setter def xatt(self, value): self._atts[0] = value @property def yatt(self): """ The data attribute on the y axis. """ return self._atts[1] @yatt.setter def yatt(self, value): self._atts[1] = value @property def zatt(self): """ The data attribute on the z axis. """ return self._atts[2] @zatt.setter def zatt(self, value): self._atts[2] = value def copy(self): result = RoiSubsetState3d() result.xatt = self.xatt result.yatt = self.yatt result.zatt = self.zatt result.roi = self.roi result.pretransform = self.pretransform return result def __gluestate__(self, context): return dict(,,,, @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): pretrans = rec['pretransform'] if 'pretransform' in rec else None return RoiSubsetState3d(context.object(rec['xatt']), context.object(rec['yatt']), context.object(rec['zatt']), context.object(rec['roi']), context.object(pretrans)) @contract(subsets='list(isinstance(Subset))', returns=Subset) def _combine(subsets, operator): state = operator(*[s.subset_state for s in subsets]) result = Subset(None) result.subset_state = state return result
[docs]def combine_multiple(subsets, operator): if len(subsets) == 0: return SubsetState() else: combined = subsets[0] for subset in subsets[1:]: combined = operator(combined, subset) return combined
[docs]def roi_to_subset_state(roi, x_att=None, y_att=None, x_categories=None, y_categories=None, use_pretransform=False): """ Given a 2D ROI and attributes on the x and y axis, determine the corresponding subset state. """ if isinstance(roi, RangeROI) and not use_pretransform: if roi.ori == 'x': att = x_att categories = x_categories else: att = y_att categories = y_categories if categories is not None: return CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(categories, att, roi.min, roi.max) else: return RangeSubsetState(roi.min, roi.max, att) elif x_categories is not None or y_categories is not None: if isinstance(roi, RectangularROI): # In this specific case, we can decompose the rectangular ROI into # two RangeROIs that are combined with an 'and' logical operation. range1 = XRangeROI(roi.xmin, roi.xmax) range2 = YRangeROI(roi.ymin, roi.ymax) subset1 = roi_to_subset_state(range1, x_att=x_att, x_categories=x_categories) subset2 = roi_to_subset_state(range2, y_att=y_att, y_categories=y_categories) return AndState(subset1, subset2) elif isinstance(roi, CategoricalROI): # The selection is categorical itself. We assume this is along the x axis return CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=x_att) else: # The selection is polygon-like, which requires special care. if x_categories is not None and y_categories is not None: # For each category, we check which categories along the other # axis fall inside the polygon: selection = {} for code, label in enumerate(x_categories): # Determine the coordinates of the points to check n_other = len(y_categories) y = np.arange(n_other) x = np.repeat(code, n_other) # Determine which points are in the polygon, and which # categories these correspond to in_poly = roi.contains(x, y) categories = y_categories[in_poly] if len(categories) > 0: selection[label] = set(categories) return CategoricalROISubsetState2D(selection, x_att, y_att) else: # If one of the components is not categorical, we treat this as # if each categorical component was mapped to a numerical value, # and at each value, we keep track of the polygon intersection # with the component. This will result in zero, one, or multiple # separate numerical ranges for each categorical value. # TODO: if we ever allow the category order to be changed, we # need to figure out how to update this! # We loop over each category and for each one we find the # numerical ranges selection = {} if x_categories is not None: categories = x_categories cat_att = x_att num_att = y_att x, y = roi.to_polygon() else: categories = y_categories cat_att = y_att num_att = x_att y, x = roi.to_polygon() for code, label in enumerate(categories): # We determine all the numerical segments that represent the # ensemble of points in y that fall in the polygon # TODO: profile the following function segments = polygon_line_intersections(x, y, xval=code) if len(segments) > 0: selection[label] = segments return CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState(selection, cat_att=cat_att, num_att=num_att) else: # The selection is polygon-like or requires a pretransform and components are numerical if not isinstance(roi, (PolygonalROI, RectangularROI, CircularROI, EllipticalROI, RangeROI, CircularAnnulusROI)): roi = PolygonalROI(*roi.to_polygon()) subset_state = RoiSubsetState() subset_state.xatt = x_att subset_state.yatt = y_att subset_state.roi = roi return subset_state