import copy
import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs.utils import pixel_to_pixel
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import BaseHighLevelWCS, SlicedLowLevelWCS, HighLevelWCSWrapper
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from glue.config import autolinker, link_helper
from glue.core.link_helpers import MultiLink
__all__ = ['IncompatibleWCS', 'WCSLink', 'wcs_autolink', 'AffineLink', 'OffsetLink',
[docs]class NoAffineApproximation(Exception):
[docs]class OffsetLink(MultiLink):
def __init__(self, data1=None, data2=None, cids1=None, cids2=None, offsets=None):
self.offsets = offsets
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
super().__init__(cids1, cids2, forwards=self.forwards, backwards=self.backwards)
[docs] def forwards(self, *pixel_in):
return tuple([pi - o for (pi, o) in zip(pixel_in, self.offsets)])
[docs] def backwards(self, *pixel_out):
return tuple([po + o for (po, o) in zip(pixel_out, self.offsets)])
[docs]class AffineLink(MultiLink):
def __init__(self, data1=None, data2=None, cids1=None, cids2=None, matrix=None):
if matrix.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("Affine matrix should be two-dimensional")
if matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Affine matrix should be square")
if np.any(matrix[-1, :-1] != 0) or matrix[-1, -1] != 1:
raise ValueError("Last row of matrix should be zeros and a one")
self._matrix = matrix
self._matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
super().__init__(cids1, cids2, forwards=self.forwards, backwards=self.backwards)
[docs] @property
def matrix(self):
return self._matrix
[docs] def forwards(self, *pixel_in):
pixel_in = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(*(list(pixel_in) + [np.ones(np.shape(pixel_in[0]))])))
pixel_in = np.moveaxis(pixel_in, 0, -1)
pixel_out = np.matmul(pixel_in, self._matrix.T)
return tuple(np.moveaxis(pixel_out, -1, 0))[:-1]
[docs] def backwards(self, *pixel_out):
pixel_out = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(*(list(pixel_out) + [np.ones(np.shape(pixel_out[0]))])))
pixel_out = np.moveaxis(pixel_out, 0, -1)
pixel_in = np.matmul(pixel_out, self._matrix_inv.T)
return tuple(np.moveaxis(pixel_in, -1, 0))[:-1]
[docs]class IncompatibleWCS(Exception):
def get_cids_and_functions(wcs1, wcs2, pixel_cids1, pixel_cids2):
def forwards(*pixel_input):
return pixel_to_pixel(wcs1, wcs2, *pixel_input)
def backwards(*pixel_input):
return pixel_to_pixel(wcs2, wcs1, *pixel_input)
pixel_input = [0] * len(pixel_cids1)
# the case with wcs linkages
except Exception:
# the case without wcs linkages
return None, None, None, None
return pixel_cids1, pixel_cids2, forwards, backwards
class WCSLink(MultiLink):
A collection of links that link the pixel components of two datasets via
WCS transformations.
display = 'WCS link'
cid_independent = True
def __init__(self, data1=None, data2=None, cids1=None, cids2=None):
wcs1, wcs2 = data1.coords, data2.coords
forwards = backwards = None
if wcs1.pixel_n_dim == wcs2.pixel_n_dim and wcs1.world_n_dim == wcs2.world_n_dim:
if (wcs1.world_axis_physical_types.count(None) == 0 and
wcs2.world_axis_physical_types.count(None) == 0):
# The easiest way to check if the WCSes are compatible is to simply try and
# see if values can be transformed for a single pixel. In future we might
# find that this requires optimization performance-wise, but for now let's
# not do premature optimization.
pixel_cids1, pixel_cids2, forwards, backwards = get_cids_and_functions(wcs1, wcs2,
self._physical_types_1 = wcs1.world_axis_physical_types
self._physical_types_2 = wcs2.world_axis_physical_types
if not forwards or not backwards:
# A generalized APE 14-compatible way
# Handle also the extra-spatial axes such as those of the time and wavelength dimensions
wcs1_celestial_physical_types = wcs2_celestial_physical_types = []
slicing_axes1 = slicing_axes2 = []
cids1 = data1.pixel_component_ids
cids2 = data2.pixel_component_ids
if wcs1.has_celestial and wcs2.has_celestial:
wcs1_celestial_physical_types = wcs1.celestial.world_axis_physical_types
wcs2_celestial_physical_types = wcs2.celestial.world_axis_physical_types
cids1_celestial = [cids1[wcs1.wcs.naxis - wcs1.wcs.lng - 1],
cids1[wcs1.wcs.naxis - - 1]]
cids2_celestial = [cids2[wcs2.wcs.naxis - wcs2.wcs.lng - 1],
cids2[wcs2.wcs.naxis - - 1]]
if wcs1.celestial.wcs.lng >
cids1_celestial = cids1_celestial[::-1]
if wcs2.celestial.wcs.lng >
cids2_celestial = cids2_celestial[::-1]
slicing_axes1 = [cids1_celestial[0].axis, cids1_celestial[1].axis]
slicing_axes2 = [cids2_celestial[0].axis, cids2_celestial[1].axis]
wcs1_sliced_physical_types = wcs2_sliced_physical_types = []
if wcs1_celestial_physical_types is not None:
wcs1_sliced_physical_types = wcs1_celestial_physical_types
if wcs2_celestial_physical_types is not None:
wcs2_sliced_physical_types = wcs2_celestial_physical_types
for i, physical_type1 in enumerate(wcs1.world_axis_physical_types):
for j, physical_type2 in enumerate(wcs2.world_axis_physical_types):
if physical_type1 == physical_type2:
if physical_type1 not in wcs1_sliced_physical_types:
slicing_axes1.append(wcs1.world_n_dim - i - 1)
if physical_type2 not in wcs2_sliced_physical_types:
slicing_axes2.append(wcs2.world_n_dim - j - 1)
slicing_axes1 = sorted(slicing_axes1, key=str, reverse=True)
slicing_axes2 = sorted(slicing_axes2, key=str, reverse=True)
# Generate slices for the wcs slicing
slices1 = [slice(None)] * wcs1.world_n_dim
slices2 = [slice(None)] * wcs2.world_n_dim
for i in range(wcs1.world_n_dim):
if i not in slicing_axes1:
slices1[i] = 0
for j in range(wcs2.world_n_dim):
if j not in slicing_axes2:
slices2[j] = 0
wcs1_sliced = SlicedLowLevelWCS(wcs1, tuple(slices1))
wcs2_sliced = SlicedLowLevelWCS(wcs2, tuple(slices2))
wcs1_final = HighLevelWCSWrapper(copy.copy(wcs1_sliced))
wcs2_final = HighLevelWCSWrapper(copy.copy(wcs2_sliced))
cids1_sliced = [cids1[x] for x in slicing_axes1]
cids1_sliced = sorted(cids1_sliced, key=str, reverse=True)
cids2_sliced = [cids2[x] for x in slicing_axes2]
cids2_sliced = sorted(cids2_sliced, key=str, reverse=True)
pixel_cids1, pixel_cids2, forwards, backwards = get_cids_and_functions(
wcs1_final, wcs2_final, cids1_sliced, cids2_sliced)
self._physical_types_1 = wcs1_sliced_physical_types
self._physical_types_2 = wcs2_sliced_physical_types
if pixel_cids1 is None:
raise IncompatibleWCS("Can't create WCS link between {0} and {1}".format(data1.label, data2.label))
super(WCSLink, self).__init__(pixel_cids1, pixel_cids2,
forwards=forwards, backwards=backwards)
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
def __gluestate__(self, context):
state = {}
state['data1'] =
state['data2'] =
return state
def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context):
self = cls(context.object(rec['data1']),
return self
[docs] @property
def description(self):
types1 = ''.join(['<li>' + phys_type for phys_type in self._physical_types_1])
types2 = ''.join(['<li>' + phys_type for phys_type in self._physical_types_2])
return ('This automatically links the coordinates of the '
'two datasets using the World Coordinate System (WCS) '
'coordinates defined in the files.<br><br>The physical types '
'of the coordinates linked in the first dataset are: '
'<ul>{0}</ul>and in the second dataset:<ul>{1}</ul>'
.format(types1, types2))
[docs] def as_affine_link(self, n_samples=1000, tolerance=1):
Approximate the link as an affine transformation which can, if the
approximation is good, result in significant performance improvements.
For now this will only work for datasets in which two pixel coordinates
are linked.
The deviation to be compared to the tolerance is measured in the frame
of reference of the second dataset.
if len(self.cids1) != 2 or len(self.cids2) != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Only 2-dimensional WCS links are supported")
# Start off by generating random positions in data1
pixel1 = []
for cid in self.cids1:
size = self.data1.shape[cid.axis]
pixel1.append(np.random.uniform(-0.5, size - 0.5, n_samples))
# Convert to pixel positions in data2
pixel2 = self.forwards(*pixel1)
keep = np.ones(n_samples, dtype=bool)
for p in pixel1 + pixel2:
keep[np.isnan(p)] = False
if not np.any(keep):
raise NoAffineApproximation(f'Could not find a good affine approximation to '
f'WCSLink with tolerance={tolerance}, as no overlap')
pixel1 = [p[keep] for p in pixel1]
pixel2 = [p[keep] for p in pixel2]
# First try simple offset
def transform_offset(offsets):
pixel1_tr = pixel1[0] - offsets[0], pixel1[1] - offsets[1]
return np.hypot(pixel2[0] - pixel1_tr[0], pixel2[1] - pixel1_tr[1])
best, _ = leastsq(transform_offset, (0, 0))
max_deviation = np.max(transform_offset(best))
if max_deviation <= tolerance:
return OffsetLink(data1=self.data1, data2=self.data2,
cids1=self.cids1, cids2=self.cids2, offsets=best)
# If the above doesn't work, try a full affine transformation
def transform_affine(coeff):
a, b, c, d, e, f = coeff
pixel1_tr = pixel1[0] * a + pixel1[1] * b + c, pixel1[0] * d + pixel1[1] * e + f
return np.hypot(pixel2[0] - pixel1_tr[0], pixel2[1] - pixel1_tr[1])
best, _ = leastsq(transform_affine, (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0))
max_deviation = np.max(transform_affine(best))
if max_deviation > tolerance:
raise NoAffineApproximation(f'Could not find a good affine approximation to '
f'WCSLink with tolerance={tolerance}')
matrix = np.vstack([best.reshape((2, 3)), [[0, 0, 1]]])
return AffineLink(data1=self.data1, data2=self.data2,
cids1=self.cids1, cids2=self.cids2, matrix=matrix)
[docs]@autolinker('Astronomy WCS')
def wcs_autolink(data_collection):
# Find subset of datasets with WCS coordinates
wcs_datasets = [data for data in data_collection
if hasattr(data, 'coords') and isinstance(data.coords, BaseHighLevelWCS)]
# Only continue if there are at least two such datasets
if len(wcs_datasets) < 2:
return []
# Find existing WCS links
existing = set()
for link in data_collection.external_links:
if isinstance(link, WCSLink):
existing.add((link.data1, link.data2))
# Loop through all pairs of datasets, skipping pairs for which a link
# already exists. PERF: in practice we don't actually have to link all
# pairs, so we should try and optimize that.
all_links = []
for i1, data1 in enumerate(wcs_datasets):
for data2 in wcs_datasets[i1 + 1:]:
if (data1, data2) not in existing:
link = WCSLink(data1, data2)
except IncompatibleWCS:
return all_links